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Welcome Friends

I am a North Carolina conceptual portrait photographer. Look here for updates on my photography adventures. Visit for details on commissioned portrait shoots and fine art sales.

March 6, 2011: LadyLike: Portraits of Fascinating Women

I am very excited about my new opening on Sunday for LadyLike: Portraits of Fascinating Women. This is a different kind of show for me, for once, I am not in a single image!

This exhibit brings together media such as photography, music and writing, but at its heart it seeks to capture the images of femininity that are unique to each subject. The world that I hope viewers will be transported to is often dreamlike, communicating moments of everyday emotion, grace and beauty in ways they don’t expect. It’s a world where dresses are made of books, the ghosts of country music stars run free, and accordion players get lost on the carnival midway.

The opening will be held on Sunday, March 6 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Willow’s Bistro at 300 S. Liberty St. in Winston-Salem. I hope to see you there!