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Welcome Friends

I am a North Carolina conceptual portrait photographer. Look here for updates on my photography adventures. Visit for details on commissioned portrait shoots and fine art sales.

July 15, 2011: Capturing Childhood

After having my daughter, I heard the same comment from friends, family and strangers, "Enjoy this time, it goes by so fast." I heard this constantly, over and over to the point I wanted to say, "Ok! I get it!" Then, it hit me, "Oh no, it's true! It does go by fast!" I want to slow it down!

So, this is me at age 5. I had taken my pillow, radio and hobo stick outside to make a bed in the pine straw.

When planning my next child shoot, I remembered this image and what it was like to be a child. What would I find magical at that age? Heck, what do I find magical now? I made a bedroom outdoors, complete with paper clouds and a crown made from the pages of a book. The result was all I hoped for, a magical world that she could engulf herself in, if only for a few hours before the longing for adulthood sets in.